Finding the Balance

Finding the Balance

Trying to find the time to balance the Etsy store and college has been a challenge as expected. While it hasnt been mastered in the 2 1/2 years I have been in college, and I don’t know if it ever will be, it sure has been a fun and exhausting roller coaster ride. Of course most of my time has gone to crafting, and the products of that are the main focus of this blog.

The first of the holiday craft fairs is over (for those of you who do not know a craft said can be the most exciting, stressful, and vulnerable time for a crafter) and the biggest sellers this time were…..



Bracelets and Cozies!!

These $5 items were a hit this time and I couldn’t be more thrilled! While the bracelets were a new creation of mine that I created a few weeks ago, the coffee cup cozies have been in the shop for a while! To order visit my Etsy shop!